Package 'switchboard'

Title: An Agile Widget Engine for Real-Time, Dynamic Visualizations
Description: An unsorted collection of visualization widgets rendered in 'Tcl/Tk'<> to generate agile dashboards for your iterative simulations. Widgets include progress bars, counters, eavesdroppers, injectors, switches, and sliders for dynamic manipulation and visualization of simulation parameters.
Authors: Marc J. Lajeunesse [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Marc J. Lajeunesse <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.1
Built: 2025-03-08 02:13:53 UTC

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Agile widgets for visualizing and interacting with simulations in R.


switchboard is an experimental package for generating agile dashboards for iterative simulations in R. The switchboard window is rendered in 'Tcl/Tk' which is the GUI (graphical user interface) toolkit of base R. More information about switchboard can be found at


Marc J. Lajeunesse (University of South Florida, Tampa USA)

Benchmark or signal an event or achievement with a giant checkmark.


The benchmark widget displays the number of simulation iterations.



The variable to track.


The numerical value associated with eavesdrop that will trigger a visual benchmark on a widget. For example, if eavesdrop is a variable that ranges from 1 to 100, then benchmark = 50 will flag completion at the 50 value.


A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




benchmark(eavesdrop = NULL, benchmark = NA, label = "",
   size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other eavesdroppers: counter_tally(), counter(), eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector(), number_pair(), number_quartet(), number_trio(), number(), progress_benchmark()


## Not run: 

   for (i in 1:250) {
     switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
       benchmark(i, benchmark = 125, label = ">125")

## End(Not run)

A caption widget


The caption widget displays a small title caption and smaller subtitle caption.



Two strings of the caption widget as c("Title", "subTitle").


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


An integer describing the number of columns a row should extend through. Extends the width of the widget but not it's height. Used to better organize text along a row within caption widget. For example, when size = 1 and extendRow = 2 the caption widget will extend to two columns rather than one, but still have a height of one.




caption(c("", ""), size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1,1))


## Not run: 

   for(i in 1:250) {
     switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
       caption(c("A Title", "A small sub title"))

## End(Not run)

A slider to modify the range of a continuous simulation variable.


The control_slider widget displays a movable slider to drag and select a new numeric value of a simulation variable.



String of the variable name to be modified/injected by the slider widget. For example, inject = "i".


The minimum value of inject.


The maximum value of inject.


A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




control_slider(inject = "", minimum = 0, maximum = 100,
   label = "", size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other injectors: control_slider_Y_pair(), control_slider_Y(), control_slider_pair(), control_switch_pair(), control_switch_trio(), control_switch(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector()


## Not run: 

   varToSlide <- 0
   for (i in 1:500) {
     switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
        control_slider("varToSlide", label = "0 to 100") %>%

## End(Not run)

A pair of sliders to modify the range of two continuous simulation variables.


The control_slider_pair widget displays two movable sliders to drag and select new numeric values of two simulation variable.



A vector of the two strings for each variable name to be modified/injected by the two sliders. For example, inject = c("A", "B").


A vector of the two minimum values for each variable in inject.


A vector of the two maximum values for each variable in inject.


A vector of the two small caption/labels for each slider.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




control_slider_pair(inject = c("", ""), minimum = c(0, 0),
   maximum = c(100, 100), label = "", size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other injectors: control_slider_Y_pair(), control_slider_Y(), control_slider(), control_switch_pair(), control_switch_trio(), control_switch(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector()


## Not run: 

     A <- 0
     B <- 50
     for (i in 1:500) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         control_slider_pair(inject = c("A", "B"),
                             label = c("0 to 100", "0 to 100")) %>%
         number_pair(c(A, B))

## End(Not run)

A vertical slider to modify the range of a continuous simulation variable.


The control_slider_Y widget displays a vertical slider to drag and select a new numeric value of a simulation variable.



String of the variable name to be modified/injected by the switch widget. For example, inject = "i". The variable should be in boolean form (e.g., 0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE).


The minimum value of inject.


The maximum value of inject.


A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




control_slider_Y(inject = "", minimum = 0, maximum = 100,
   label = "", size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other injectors: control_slider_Y_pair(), control_slider_pair(), control_slider(), control_switch_pair(), control_switch_trio(), control_switch(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector()


## Not run: 

     varToSlide <- 0
     for (i in 1:500) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         control_slider_Y("varToSlide", label = "0 to 100") %>%

## End(Not run)

A pair of vertical sliders to modify the range of two continuous simulation variables.


The control_slider_Y_pair widget displays two vertical sliders to drag and select new numeric values of two simulation variable.



A vector of the two strings for each variable name to be modified/injected by the two sliders. For example, inject = c("A", "B").


A vector of the two minimum values for each variable in inject.


A vector of the two maximum values for each variable in inject.


A vector of the two small caption/labels for each slider.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




control_slider_Y_pair(inject = c("", ""), minimum = c(0, 0),
   maximum = c(100, 100), label = "", size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other injectors: control_slider_Y(), control_slider_pair(), control_slider(), control_switch_pair(), control_switch_trio(), control_switch(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector()


## Not run: 

     varToSlideA <- 0
     varToSlideB <- 50
     for (i in 1:500) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         control_slider_pair_Y(inject = c("varToSlideA", "varToSlideB"),
                             label = c("0 to 100", "0 to 100")) %>%
         number_pair(c(varToSlideA, varToSlideB))

## End(Not run)

A switch to toggle on/off a simulation variable.


The control_switch widget displays a switch to toggle the state (e.g., on or off, TRUE or FALSE) of a simulation variable. A switch is blue when "on", and gray when "off".



String of the variable name to be modified/injected by the switch widget. For example, inject = "i". The variable should be in boolean form (e.g., 0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE).


A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




control_switch(inject = "", label = "", size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other injectors: control_slider_Y_pair(), control_slider_Y(), control_slider_pair(), control_slider(), control_switch_pair(), control_switch_trio(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector()


## Not run: 

     varToSwitch <- 0
     for (i in 1:500) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         control_switch("varToSwitch", label = "0 to 1") %>%

## End(Not run)

A pair of switches to toggle on/off two simulation variables.


The control_switch_pair widget displays two switches to toggle the state (e.g., on or off, TRUE or FALSE) of two simulation variables. A switch is blue when "on", and gray when "off".



A vector of the two strings for each variable name to be modified/injected by the switch widget. For example, inject = c("A", "B"). These two variables should be in boolean form (e.g., 0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE).


A vector of two short strings designating labels/captions for each switch.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




control_switch_pair(inject = c("", ""), label = c("", ""),
   size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other injectors: control_slider_Y_pair(), control_slider_Y(), control_slider_pair(), control_slider(), control_switch_trio(), control_switch(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector()


## Not run: 

     varToSlideA <- 0
     varToSlideB <- 0
     for (i in 1:500) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         control_switch_pair(inject = c("varToSlideA", "varToSlideB"),
                             label = c("0 to 1", "0 to 1")) %>%
         number_pair(c(varToSlideA, varToSlideB))

## End(Not run)

A trio of switches to toggle on/off three simulation variables.


The control_switch_trio widget displays three switches to toggle the state (e.g., on or off, TRUE or FALSE) of three simulation variables. A switch is blue when "on", and gray when "off".



A vector of the three strings for each variable name to be modified/injected by the switch widget. For example, inject = c("A", "B", "C"). These three variables should be in boolean form (e.g., 0 or 1, FALSE or TRUE).


A vector of three short strings designating labels/captions for each switch.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




switch(inject = c("", "", ""), label = c("", "", ""),
   size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other injectors: control_slider_Y_pair(), control_slider_Y(), control_slider_pair(), control_slider(), control_switch_pair(), control_switch(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector()


## Not run: 

     varToSlideA <- 0
     varToSlideB <- 0
     varToSlideC <- 1
     for (i in 1:500) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         control_switch_trio(inject = c("varToSlideA", "varToSlideB", "varToSlideC"),
                             label = c("0 to 1", "0 to 1", "1 to 0")) %>%
         number_trio(c(varToSlideA, varToSlideB, varToSlideC))

## End(Not run)

A counter to keep track of the number of simulation iterations.


The counter widget displays the number of simulation iterations.



A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




counter(label = "", size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other eavesdroppers: benchmark(), counter_tally(), eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector(), number_pair(), number_quartet(), number_trio(), number(), progress_benchmark()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         counter(label = "done at 250")

## End(Not run)

A tally counter to keep track of the number of simulation iterations.


The counter_tally widget displays a tally of simulation iterations.



A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




counter_tally(label = "", size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other eavesdroppers: benchmark(), counter(), eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector(), number_pair(), number_quartet(), number_trio(), number(), progress_benchmark()


## Not run: 

     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         counter_tally(label = "tallying 250")

## End(Not run)

Eavesdrop a continuous variable.


The eavesdropper widget displays a horizontal moving window of data (see eavesdropper_X for a vertical window). The X-axis is time-lagged and the widget keeps track of each point until it reaches the end of the plot. This widget is univariate and only eavesdrops one variable; for a bivariate version use eavesdropper_2D. The number of data points in the window can be throttled with delay.



The variable to track.


The minimum value of eavesdrop. It defines the plot boundary


The maximum value of eavesdrop. It defines the plot boundary


A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


Display a small switchboard-estimated mean and standard deviation whisker plot on a widget.


Display an on/off switch on a widget that controls widget updates. When TRUE it will add the switch in the off-state on the switchboard. The user must activate the switch to start the widget. The simulation proceeds even if the switch in in the off-state.




eavesdropper(eavesdrop, minimum = 1, maximum = 100,
   label = "", size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, delay = 0,
   plotMean = FALSE, switch = FALSE)

See Also

Other moving windows: eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector()

Other eavesdroppers: benchmark(), counter_tally(), counter(), eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector(), number_pair(), number_quartet(), number_trio(), number(), progress_benchmark()


## Not run: 

     for (i in 1:400) {
       randomNormal <- rnorm(1, 0, 1)
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         eavesdropper(randomNormal, minimum = -5, maximum = 5)

## End(Not run)

Eavesdrop two continuous variables on a bivariate plot.


The eavesdropper_2D widget displays a bivariate window of data. The plotted data have a half-life and are deleted once their timer (parameter forget) expires. For the univariate version use eavesdropper. The number of data points in the window can be throttled with forget or delay. Options also include automatic regression (plotRegression) and an the sample size of the number of data points currently displayed (plotSampleSize).



A vector of two variables to track on a bivariate plot. For example, eavesdrop = c(A, B) would result on A being plotted on X-axis (independent variable) and B on Y-axis (dependent variable).


A vector of the two minimum values of variables in eavesdrop. For example, eavesdrop = c(A, B) then minimum = c(C, D) are the minimum values of A and B, respectively. They define plot boundaries.


A vector of the two maximum values of variables in eavesdrop. For example, eavesdrop = c(A, B) then maximum = c(C, D) are the maximum values of A and B, respectively. They define plot boundaries.


A vector of two short strings designating labels/captions for each variable used in eavesdrop.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


A time-delay in milliseconds for when displayed points on a widget will be deleted.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


Display a switchboard-estimated regression line on a widget.


Display the number items (N) displayed within a widget.


Display an on/off switch on a widget that controls widget updates. When TRUE it will add the switch in the off-state on the switchboard. The user must activate the switch to start the widget. The simulation proceeds even if the switch in in the off-state.




eavesdropper_2D(eavesdrop = c(NULL, NULL), minimum = c(1, 1),
   maximum = c(1, 1), label = c("", ""), size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1),
   updates = 100, forget = 400, delay = 0, plotRegression = FALSE,
   plotSampleSize = FALSE, switch = FALSE)

See Also

Other moving windows: eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector()

Other eavesdroppers: benchmark(), counter_tally(), counter(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector(), number_pair(), number_quartet(), number_trio(), number(), progress_benchmark()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:10000) {
       x <- cos(i/400) 
       y <- sin(2 * i/400) / 2 
       switchboard(skip = 4) %>%
         eavesdropper_2D(c(x, y), minimum = c(-1, -1), maximum = c(1, 1), forget = 100)

## End(Not run)

Eavesdrop a continuous variable as a conveyor belt.


The eavesdropper_X widget displays a vertical moving window of data (see eavesdropper for a horizontal window). The Y-axis is time-lagged and the widget keeps track of each point until it reaches the end of the plot. This widget is univariate and only eavesdrops one variable; for a bivariate version use eavesdropper_2D. The number of data points in the window can be throttled with delay.



The variable to track.


The minimum value of eavesdrop. It defines the plot boundary


The maximum value of eavesdrop. It defines the plot boundary


A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


Display a small switchboard-estimated mean and standard deviation whisker plot on a widget.


Display an on/off switch on a widget that controls widget updates. When TRUE it will add the switch in the off-state on the switchboard. The user must activate the switch to start the widget. The simulation proceeds even if the switch in in the off-state.




eavesdropper_X(eavesdrop, minimum = 1, maximum = 100,
   label = "", size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, delay = 0,
   plotMean = FALSE, switch = FALSE)

See Also

Other moving windows: eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector()

Other eavesdroppers: benchmark(), counter_tally(), counter(), eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector(), number_pair(), number_quartet(), number_trio(), number(), progress_benchmark()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:400) {
       randomNormal <- rnorm(1, 0, 1)
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         eavesdropper_X(randomNormal, minimum = -5, maximum = 5)

## End(Not run)

Inject and eavesdrop a continuous variable.


The injector widget displays a horizontal moving window of data with a slider that injects/modifies characteristics of the data. (see injector_X for a vertical version). The X-axis is time-lagged and the widget keeps track of each point until it reaches the end of the plot. This widget is univariate and only eavesdrops one variable; for a bivariate version use injector_2D. The number of data points in the window can be throttled with delay.



The variable to track.


The minimum value of eavesdrop. It defines the plot boundary


The maximum value of eavesdrop. It defines the plot boundary


String of the variable name to be modified/injected by widgets. For example, if eavesdrop = i then inject = "i".


A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


Display a small switchboard-estimated mean and standard deviation whisker plot on a widget.


Display an on/off switch on a widget that controls widget updates. When TRUE it will add the switch in the off-state on the switchboard. The user must activate the switch to start the widget. The simulation proceeds even if the switch in in the off-state.




injector(eavesdrop, minimum = 1, maximum = 100, inject = "",
   label = "", size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, delay = 0,
   plotMean = FALSE, switch = FALSE)

See Also

Other eavesdroppers: benchmark(), counter_tally(), counter(), eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), number_pair(), number_quartet(), number_trio(), number(), progress_benchmark()

Other injectors: control_slider_Y_pair(), control_slider_Y(), control_slider_pair(), control_slider(), control_switch_pair(), control_switch_trio(), control_switch(), injector_2D(), injector_X()

Other moving windows: eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X()


## Not run: 
     populationMean = 0
     for (i in 1:4000) {
       randomNormal <- rnorm(1, populationMean, 1)
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         injector(randomNormal, inject = "populationMean", minimum = -5, maximum = 5)

## End(Not run)

Inject and eavesdrop two continuous variables on a bivariate plot.


The injector_2D widget displays a bivariate window of data with two sliderd that injects/modifies characteristics of the data. The plotted data have a half-life and are deleted once their timer (parameter forget) expires. For the univariate version use injector. The number of data points in the window can be throttled with forget or delay. Options also include automatic regression (plotRegression) and an the sample size of the number of data points currently displayed (plotSampleSize).



A vector of two variables to track on a bivariate plot. For example, eavesdrop = c(A, B) would result on A being plotted on X-axis (independent variable) and B on Y-axis (dependent variable).


A vector of the two minimum values of variables in eavesdrop. For example, eavesdrop = c(A, B) then minimum = c(C, D) are the minimum values of A and B, respectively. They define plot boundaries.


A vector of the two maximum values of variables in eavesdrop. For example, eavesdrop = c(A, B) then maximum = c(C, D) are the maximum values of A and B, respectively. They define plot boundaries.


A vector of the two strings for each variable name to be modified/injected by widgets. For example, if eavesdrop = = c(A, B) then inject = c("A", "B").


A vector of the two short strings designating labels/captions for each of in eavesdrop.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


A time-delay in milliseconds for when displayed points on a widget will be deleted.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


Display a switchboard-estimated regression line on a widget.


Display the number items (N) displayed within a widget.


Display an on/off switch on a widget that controls widget updates. When TRUE it will add the switch in the off-state on the switchboard. The user must activate the switch to start the widget. The simulation proceeds even if the switch in in the off-state.




injector_2D(eavesdrop = c(NULL, NULL), minimum = c(1, 1),
   maximum = c(1, 1), inject = c("", "") label = c("", ""), size = 1,
   placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, forget = 400, delay = 0,
   plotRegression = FALSE, plotSampleSize = FALSE, switch = FALSE)

See Also

Other eavesdroppers: benchmark(), counter_tally(), counter(), eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_X(), injector(), number_pair(), number_quartet(), number_trio(), number(), progress_benchmark()

Other injectors: control_slider_Y_pair(), control_slider_Y(), control_slider_pair(), control_slider(), control_switch_pair(), control_switch_trio(), control_switch(), injector_X(), injector()

Other moving windows: eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_X(), injector()


## Not run: 
     populationMean = 0
     populationSD = 1
     for (i in 1:4000) {
       randomNormal <- rnorm(1, populationMean, populationSD)
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         injector_2D(c(populationSD, randomNormal),
                     inject = c("populationSD", "populationMean"),
                     minimum = c(0.1, - 5),
                     maximum = c(3.1, 5),
                     label = c("pop mean", "pop SD"),
                     forget = 2000)

## End(Not run)

Inject a continuous variable and display as conveyor belt.


The injector_X widget displays a vertical moving window of data with a slider that injects/modifies characteristics of the data. (see injector for a horizontal version). The Y-axis is time-lagged and the widget keeps track of each point until it reaches the end of the plot. This widget is univariate and only eavesdrops one variable; for a bivariate version use injector_2D. The number of data points in the window can be throttled with delay.



The variable to track.


The minimum value of eavesdrop. It defines the plot boundary.


The maximum value of eavesdrop. It defines the plot boundary.


String of the variable name to be modified/injected by widgets. For example, if eavesdrop = i then inject = "i".


A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


Display a small switchboard-estimated mean and standard deviation whisker plot on a widget.


Display an on/off switch on a widget that controls widget updates. When TRUE it will add the switch in the off-state on the switchboard. The user must activate the switch to start the widget. The simulation proceeds even if the switch in in the off-state.




injector_X(eavesdrop, minimum = 1, maximum = 100, inject = "",
   label = "", size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, delay = 0,
   plotMean = FALSE, switch = FALSE)

See Also

Other eavesdroppers: benchmark(), counter_tally(), counter(), eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector(), number_pair(), number_quartet(), number_trio(), number(), progress_benchmark()

Other injectors: control_slider_Y_pair(), control_slider_Y(), control_slider_pair(), control_slider(), control_switch_pair(), control_switch_trio(), control_switch(), injector_2D(), injector()

Other moving windows: eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector()


## Not run: 
     populationMean = 0
     for (i in 1:4000) {
       randomNormal <- rnorm(1, populationMean, 1)
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         injector_X(randomNormal, inject = "populationMean", minimum = -5, maximum = 5)

## End(Not run)

Display the value of a continuous variable in a simulation.


The number widget displays the numerical value of a continuous variable.



The variable to track.


The number of digits to display in a widget.


A small caption/label for the widget.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates with each iteration.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




number(eavesdrop = NULL, digits = 5, updates = 1, label = "",
   size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other eavesdroppers: benchmark(), counter_tally(), counter(), eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector(), number_pair(), number_quartet(), number_trio(), progress_benchmark()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         number(i * i, label = "i * i")

## End(Not run)

Display the value of two continuous variables in a simulation.


The number_pair widget displays the numerical value of two continuous variables.



A vector of two variables to track.


The number of digits to display in a widget.


A vector of two small captions/labels for the widget.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates with each iteration.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




number_pair(eavesdrop = c(NULL, NULL), digits = 5,
   updates = 1, label = c("", ""), size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other eavesdroppers: benchmark(), counter_tally(), counter(), eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector(), number_quartet(), number_trio(), number(), progress_benchmark()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         number_pair(c(i, i/2), label = c("i", "i/2"))

## End(Not run)

Display the value of four continuous variables in a simulation.


The number_quartet widget displays the numerical value of four continuous variables.



A vector of four variables to track.


The number of digits to display in a widget.


A vector of four small captions/labels for the widget.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates with each iteration.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




number_quartet(eavesdrop = c(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
   digits = 5, updates = 1, label = c("", "", "", ""), size = 1,
   placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other eavesdroppers: benchmark(), counter_tally(), counter(), eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector(), number_pair(), number_trio(), number(), progress_benchmark()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         number_quartet(c(i, i/2, i/3, i /4), label = c("i", "i/2", "i/3", "i/4"))

## End(Not run)

Display the value of three continuous variables in a simulation.


The number_trio widget displays the numerical value of three continuous variables.



A vector of three variables to track.


The number of digits to display in a widget.


A vector of three small captions/labels for the widget.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates with each iteration.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.




number_trio(eavesdrop = c(NULL, NULL, NULL), digits = 5,
   updates = 1, label = c("", "", ""), size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1))

See Also

Other eavesdroppers: benchmark(), counter_tally(), counter(), eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector(), number_pair(), number_quartet(), number(), progress_benchmark()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         number_trio(c(i, i/2, i/3), label = c("i", "i/2", "i/3"))

## End(Not run)

Display percent-complete along with an event benchmark.


The progress_benchmark widget displays a progress bar with a percent complete and a triggerable benchmark as a giant checkmark.



The variable to track with a progress bar.


The maximum value of eavesdrop that marks the end of what to progress track.


The numerical value associated with eavesdrop that will trigger a visual benchmark on a widget. For example, if eavesdrop is a variable that ranges from 1 to 100, then benchmark = 50 will flag completion at the 50 value.


A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


When TRUE, it updates the widget by the true progression value. The default (FALSE) has a cosmetic modification to the progression value that helps update it in a prettier way.


Functions like switchboard_close() by closing the switchboard window when the eavesdropped value equals maximum. NOTE: if a widget has closeAtMaximum = TRUE, then this widget MUST be placed at the end (i.e., last widget) of the pipe chain.




progress_benchmark(eavesdrop, maximum = 100, benchmark = NA,
   caption = "", size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, delay = 0,
   honest = FALSE, closeAtMaximum = FALSE)

See Also

Other progress bars: progress_ibis(), progress_image(), progress_oyster(), progress_percent(), progress_phyllotaxis(), progress_pikachu(), progress_ring_percent(), progress_ring()

Other eavesdroppers: benchmark(), counter_tally(), counter(), eavesdropper_2D(), eavesdropper_X(), eavesdropper(), injector_2D(), injector_X(), injector(), number_pair(), number_quartet(), number_trio(), number()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         progress_benchmark(i, maximum = 250, benchmark = 125)

## End(Not run)

Display an ibis as a progress bar.


The progress_ibis widget displays an ibis – a long-legged, long-beak wading bird – as a progressBar.



The variable to track with a progress bar.


The maximum value of eavesdrop that marks the end of what to progress track.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


When TRUE, it updates the widget by the true progression value. The default (FALSE) has a cosmetic modification to the progression value that helps update it in a prettier way.


Functions like switchboard_close() by closing the switchboard window when the eavesdropped value equals maximum. NOTE: if a widget has closeAtMaximum = TRUE, then this widget MUST be placed at the end (i.e., last widget) of the pipe chain.


The direction of how things are animated when displaying progression. The default is horizontal, which tracks progression from left to right (maximum), but vertical can also be used for progress to occur in a bottom to up (maximum) animation.




progress_ibis(eavesdrop, maximum = 100, size = 1,
   placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, delay = 0, honest = FALSE,
   closeAtMaximum = FALSE, fill = "horizontal")

See Also

Other progress bars: progress_benchmark(), progress_image(), progress_oyster(), progress_percent(), progress_phyllotaxis(), progress_pikachu(), progress_ring_percent(), progress_ring()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         progress_ibis(i, maximum = 250)

## End(Not run)

Display a custom 80 by 80 pixel image as a progress bar.


The progress_image widget displays an image as a progressBar.



The variable to track with a progress bar.


The maximum value of eavesdrop that marks the end of what to progress track.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


When TRUE, it updates the widget by the true progression value. The default (FALSE) has a cosmetic modification to the progression value that helps update it in a prettier way.


Functions like switchboard_close() by closing the switchboard window when the eavesdropped value equals maximum. NOTE: if a widget has closeAtMaximum = TRUE, then this widget MUST be placed at the end (i.e., last widget) of the pipe chain.


The direction of how things are animated when displaying progression. The default is horizontal, which tracks progression from left to right (maximum), but vertical can also be used for progress to occur in a bottom to up (maximum) animation.


A *.png filename with a transparent background that designates an image to be used as a progress-bar. The total image size should be 80 by 80 pixels, but for best integration into switchboard layout, the actual image must be 75 by 75 pixels placed at the bottom left of the 80 by 80 image. This will leave a 5 pixel whitespace at both the top and right side of the image.




progress_image(eavesdrop, maximum = 100, size = 1,
   placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, delay = 0, honest = FALSE,
   closeAtMaximum = FALSE, fill = "horizontal", file = "")

See Also

Other progress bars: progress_benchmark(), progress_ibis(), progress_oyster(), progress_percent(), progress_phyllotaxis(), progress_pikachu(), progress_ring_percent(), progress_ring()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         progress_image(i, maximum = 250, 
                        file = system.file("images", "topography.png", package = "switchboard"))

## End(Not run)

Display a medieval oyster as a progress bar.


The progress_oyster widget displays the Der naturen bloeme "angry oyster" as a progressBar. Scholars thinks it's more of a fan mussel, but it's still clearly angry at someone, something, or itself.



The variable to track with a progress bar.


The maximum value of eavesdrop that marks the end of what to progress track.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


When TRUE, it updates the widget by the true progression value. The default (FALSE) has a cosmetic modification to the progression value that helps update it in a prettier way.


Functions like switchboard_close() by closing the switchboard window when the eavesdropped value equals maximum. NOTE: if a widget has closeAtMaximum = TRUE, then this widget MUST be placed at the end (i.e., last widget) of the pipe chain.


The direction of how things are animated when displaying progression. The default is horizontal, which tracks progression from left to right (maximum), but vertical can also be used for progress to occur in a bottom to up (maximum) animation.




progress_oyster(eavesdrop, maximum = 100, size = 1,
   placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, delay = 0, honest = FALSE,
   closeAtMaximum = FALSE, fill = "horizontal")

See Also

Other progress bars: progress_benchmark(), progress_ibis(), progress_image(), progress_percent(), progress_phyllotaxis(), progress_pikachu(), progress_ring_percent(), progress_ring()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         progress_oyster(i, maximum = 250)

## End(Not run)

Display a percentage.


The progress_percent widget displays a text description of a percentage value between 0



The variable to track with a progress bar.


A small text string describing the percent value context.


The maximum value of eavesdrop that marks the end of what to progress/track.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


When TRUE, it updates the widget by the true progression value. The default (FALSE) has a cosmetic modification to the progression value that helps update it in a prettier way.


Functions like switchboard_close() by closing the switchboard window when the eavesdropped value equals maximum. NOTE: if a widget has closeAtMaximum = TRUE, then this widget MUST be placed at the end (i.e., last widget) of the pipe chain.




progress_percent(eavesdrop, caption = "", maximum = 100,
   size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, delay = 0, honest = FALSE,
   closeAtMaximum = FALSE)

See Also

Other progress bars: progress_benchmark(), progress_ibis(), progress_image(), progress_oyster(), progress_phyllotaxis(), progress_pikachu(), progress_ring_percent(), progress_ring()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         progress_percent(i, maximum = 250)

## End(Not run)

Display an organic-like geometric spiral pattern as a progress bar.


The progress_phyllotaxis widget displays the growth of geometric spiral pattern as a progress bar. You know, like the way aloe plants grow.



The variable to track with a progress bar.


The maximum value of eavesdrop that marks the end of what to progress/track.


A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


When TRUE, it updates the widget by the true progression value. The default (FALSE) has a cosmetic modification to the progression value that helps update it in a prettier way.


Functions like switchboard_close() by closing the switchboard window when the eavesdropped value equals maximum. NOTE: if a widget has closeAtMaximum = TRUE, then this widget MUST be placed at the end (i.e., last widget) of the pipe chain.




progress_phyllotaxis(eavesdrop, maximum = 100, caption = "",
   size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, delay = 0, honest = FALSE,
   closeAtMaximum = FALSE)

See Also

Other progress bars: progress_benchmark(), progress_ibis(), progress_image(), progress_oyster(), progress_percent(), progress_pikachu(), progress_ring_percent(), progress_ring()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         progress_phyllotaxis(i, maximum = 250)

## End(Not run)

Display pikachu as a progress bar.


The progress_pikachu widget displays pikachu as a progressBar. He's the best.



The variable to track with a progress bar.


The maximum value of eavesdrop that marks the end of what to progress track.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


When TRUE, it updates the widget by the true progression value. The default (FALSE) has a cosmetic modification to the progression value that helps update it in a prettier way.


Functions like switchboard_close() by closing the switchboard window when the eavesdropped value equals maximum. NOTE: if a widget has closeAtMaximum = TRUE, then this widget MUST be placed at the end (i.e., last widget) of the pipe chain.


The direction of how things are animated when displaying progression. The default is horizontal, which tracks progression from left to right (maximum), but vertical can also be used for progress to occur in a bottom to up (maximum) animation.




progress_pikachu(eavesdrop, maximum = 100, size = 1,
   placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, delay = 0, honest = FALSE,
   closeAtMaximum = FALSE, fill = "horizontal")

See Also

Other progress bars: progress_benchmark(), progress_ibis(), progress_image(), progress_oyster(), progress_percent(), progress_phyllotaxis(), progress_ring_percent(), progress_ring()


## Not run: 
    for (i in 1:250) {
      switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
        progress_pikachu(i, maximum = 250)

## End(Not run)

Display a progress ring.


The progress_ring widget displays an ring/circle progress bar.



The variable to track with a progress bar.


The maximum value of eavesdrop that marks the end of what to progress track.


A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


When TRUE, it updates the widget by the true progression value. The default (FALSE) has a cosmetic modification to the progression value that helps update it in a prettier way.


Functions like switchboard_close() by closing the switchboard window when the eavesdropped value equals maximum. NOTE: if a widget has closeAtMaximum = TRUE, then this widget MUST be placed at the end (i.e., last widget) of the pipe chain.




progress_ring(eavesdrop, maximum = 100, caption = "",
   size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, delay = 0, honest = FALSE,
   closeAtMaximum = FALSE)

See Also

Other progress bars: progress_benchmark(), progress_ibis(), progress_image(), progress_oyster(), progress_percent(), progress_phyllotaxis(), progress_pikachu(), progress_ring_percent()


## Not run: 

     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         progress_ring(i, maximum = 250)

## End(Not run)

Display a progress ring and a percent complete.


The progress_ring_percent widget displays an ring/circle progress bar along with the percent complete.



The variable to track with a progress bar.


The maximum value of eavesdrop that marks the end of what to progress/track.


A small caption/label for the widget.


A number used to designate the size (magnification) of the widget. The default is set to 1 which is 80 by 80 pixels. For example, setting to 3 will results in a widget 3-times the default size (240 by 240 pixels) and will occupy a grid area of 3 by 3.


A row by column coordinate (e.g., c(row-number, column-number)) of a grid that designates the position to draw the widget on the switchboard. Use showGrid() to help organize widget placement on dashboard. The default places the first widget in pipe chain to the c(1, 1) position, and all following on the same row stacked to the right.


The number of times the widget is to be updated (e.g., when it be modified/changed). The default updates the widget 100 times. Increase number for smoother progress bar animation.


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


When TRUE, it updates the widget by the true progression value. The default (FALSE) has a cosmetic modification to the progression value that helps update it in a prettier way.


Functions like switchboard_close() by closing the switchboard window when the eavesdropped value equals maximum. NOTE: if a widget has closeAtMaximum = TRUE, then this widget MUST be placed at the end (i.e., last widget) of the pipe chain.




progress_ring_percent(eavesdrop, maximum = 100, caption = "",
   size = 1, placeOnGrid = c(1, 1), updates = 100, delay = 0, honest = FALSE,
   closeAtMaximum = FALSE)

See Also

Other progress bars: progress_benchmark(), progress_ibis(), progress_image(), progress_oyster(), progress_percent(), progress_phyllotaxis(), progress_pikachu(), progress_ring()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         progress_ring_percent(i, maximum = 250)

## End(Not run)

Display a layout grid on the switchboard.


The showGrid widget displays a collection of buttons positioned along a grid to help devise where you would like to organize/place multiple widgets on a switchboard. Buttons contain the row by column coordinates of the grid. NOTE: You can click on any button to copy-to-clipboard the small coordinate script. You can then paste in your switchboard widget placeOnGrid option (e.g., placeOnGrid = c(1, 2)).



Number of rows to plot on grid.


Number of columns to plot on grid.




showGrid(nrows = 4, ncolumns = 4)

See Also

Other dashboard: switchboard_close(), switchboard()


## Not run: 
     for (i in 1:250) {
       switchboard(delay = 0.01) %>%
         progress_ring(i, maximum = 250, placeOnGrid = c(1,1)) %>%
         progress_ring(i, maximum = 250, placeOnGrid = c(2,2)) %>%
         progress_ring(i, maximum = 250, placeOnGrid = c(3,3)) %>%
         progress_ring(i, maximum = 250, placeOnGrid = c(4,4)) %>%

## End(Not run)

Initialize a switchboard window


The switchboard initializes a switchboard window, then using %>% you can pipe in various widgets into this window to create a dashboard.


  title = "hidden title",
  delay = 0,
  skip = 0,
  padX = 10,
  padY = 0,
  font = "Helvetica",
  mainColors = c("#007fff", "#ffffff", "#666666", "#cccccc")



The title of the switchboard Tcl/Tk window. Switchboards hide the titlebar, but is can be un-hidden by adding a title (e.g., title = "my new title".


Pause each update of the switchboard. Default has no delay, values are in seconds (e.g., delay = 0.01 results in 0.01 second delay with each iteration).


Skips updating the switchboard. The default does not skip updates, values are in number of iterations to skip (e.g., skip = 50 results in updates only occurring after every 50 iterations).


Horizontal padding in pixels between widgets.


Vertical padding in pixels between widgets.


The primary font used in all widgets, default is "Helvetica".


The color set used in all widgets. It is a vector of four hex colors with each element corresponding to: c("main color", "background", "text color", "alt text color").

See Also

Other dashboard: showGrid(), switchboard_close()


## Not run: 

   for(i in 1:100)
      switchboard(delay = 0.05) %>%
      progress_ibis(i, maximum = 100, closeAtMaximum = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Closes all switchboard windows.


Helps remove all visible/invisible switchboard windows. Place outside of loop to remove windows.





See Also

Other dashboard: showGrid(), switchboard()


## Not run: 

for(i in 1:100) 
    switchboard(delay = 0.05) %>% percent(i, maximum = 100, label = "100 loops")

## End(Not run)